The connections we each have to our physical and ecological place, and to one another in community, are where we find our power and our best hopes for change.
It’s time to become more involved in how we can be the change we want to see in the world.
This week I speak with Sarah van Gelder Co-Founder and Editor at Large of YES! magazine. She’s a public speaker, and the author of the new book, The Revolution Where You Live: Stories from a 12,000 Mile Journey Through a New America.
Sarah’s book inspires conversations and offers 101 ways to become more involved in our local communities. She shares stories from all over the United States with diverse groups of people from native american reservations to inner cities to ranches to city governments. She visits with the people who are making sustainable change in their daily lives.
It’s so revealing to know we are making history as we shift from our already thinking to a mindset of together we can revitalize, renew and rebuild our country to be in alignment with the core values of our democracy. You will choose to do something different to be part of the solution.
We talk about the catalyst for why she decided to take the trip and the questions she asked along the way.
Listen to our conversation.